Sepal Takraw was created by the royal family of Malaysia about 500 years ago. The name itself comes from two languages. Sepak is "kick" in Malay, and Takraw is the "ball" in Thai. When it is born, It looked like Japanese "Kemari", and some became a circle, and a pole was kicked, and the number of times was being competed in.
It looks very similar to the Japanese traditional game, "kemari" where the players form a loose circle and the number of times the ball is kicked before it touches the ground is counted. In 1965 the game was unified into the present volleyball style with the addition of a net and the adoption of international rules.
The court and the net height and size are identical to those used in badminton and each team has three players. The rules are very similar to those in volleyball, with the following four important exceptions.
- .prohibited from using their hands & arms;
- a player can touch the ball up to 3 times consecutively
- the players' positions on the court need not be rotated
- net serves (falling within the boundary) are accepted
The Takraw Court

Many who see Sepak Takraw being played, or try it themselves, for the first time often make comments like, "This is the most amazing sport!", "Did you see that?!", "Takraw rocks, I'm in!", "This is great for improving soccer skills!", etc.
Many who see Sepak Takraw being played, or try it themselves, for the first time often make comments like, "This is the most amazing sport!", "Did you see that?!", "Takraw rocks, I'm in!", "This is great for improving soccer skills!",.
The Sepak Takraw court and net are of the same height and dimensions as in badminton. A team consisting of 3 members is called a "Regu". Two regus compete for higher scores by spiking a ball into the opponent's court. Most of the same rules apply as for volley ball, with the following main exceptions:
A match is composed of 3 sets. The first regu to score 21 points wins a set. The first regu winning two sets wins the match. In either set, if both regus are tied, 20 - 20, play continues until one regu wins by 2 points, up to a ceiling of 25 points. If each regu wins one set out of the first two, then the third set is played and is called the "Tiebreak". The Tiebreak only goes up to 15 points, but again a regu must win by 2 points, up to a ceiling of 17.
Anyone of any age or ability level can play Sepak Takraw, simply MODIFY it for beginners and increase the challenge as their eye-foot skills improve.
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